Garrison had a great time on Halloween. He was a Pirate. The Saturday before Halloween my niece, Kaitlyn turned two and had her 2nd annual Birthday/Halloween Party. Garrison had so much fun and got to see a grown-up Pirate there. On Halloween Garrison wen to Mommy's office to do his trick-or-treating on all three floors....he racked up on candy and is STILL eating it!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Truck Day
Saturday, October 6th was Truck Day in Thompson's Station. It was a free event that you could take your kids to if they were interested in sitting in big trucks such as fire engines, school buses, cement trucks, and the list goes on and on. Right before Jeff was going to take Garrison to Truck Day, Garrison came to me and said, "Only boys allowed. You can't go Mommy." So, Garrison, Daddy, and Grandpa had a "boys" day out and the pictures speak for themselves.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
The Pledge of Allegiance
Okay. Now that we are caught up I wanted to post something new about Garrison. On the 4th of July I decided to teach Garrison The Pledge of Allegiance. I got it on video and wanted to share it with all of you. It's hysterical!
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
The Day Garrison Arrived

February 28th, 2005 was Mr. Garrison's due date. I made a deal with God that day. "God, let this baby come today and my husband gets to live." Just kidding! I was READY and I think I actually willed the labor...this after going to the hospital prematurely 3 weeks earlier thinking my water had broken only to be told by a sweet little nurse (sarcastic) whose shift was ending that I had peed on myself six times that day. Yeah, that made the trip to the hospital completely worth it to Jeff. So, back to February 28th, 2005. I went into labor Sunday night and woke Jeff up around 4:00 am Monday morning. When he finally got up and we were in the car my contractions were 2 minutes apart and I was hurting. We're driving along and all of a sudden instead of getting on the interstate, Jeff pulls into a gas station. "WHAT?!" "We have no gas???" So, I'm thinking he is going to put five dollars or so of gas into his SUV to get us to the hospital. No. When a contraction came that had me standing straight up in the car I could see that he was fillin' her up! I seriously thought about breaking my earlier deal with God but then I realized I was probalby going to need Jeff later. Obviously we made it to the hospital, had an emergency C-Section, apparently I said a lot of things I don't remember in my drug induced state, and the rest is history. Garrison has stayed true to form starting with his dramatic entry into the world. He's our little entertainer and of course you can't be an entertainer unless you are dramatic. He's running the show and we are loving every minute of it!
Wedding Day
Jeff and I were married March 30, 2002. It was a very rainy, Easter weekend. We were married in a one-hundred year old church which was beautiful on its own and then had our reception at a reception hall in Spring Hill. At the time of our Wedding Jeff and I both worked for Robert Anderson at RG Anderson Company. Bob gave us our all expense paid honeymoon to Cancun, Mexico. We left early the next morning for Mexico and it's been bliss ever since. Ha! For those of you married folk out there reading this, you know that's not true. But, we are best friends and we've got a great life!
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